F1 News

Mercedes made balance adjustments: 'It felt good'

30 July at 15:57
  • GPblog.com

It was a positive Friday for Valtteri Bottas. The Finn had to make do with a second-place behind Max Verstappen in the first practice session, but during the second free practice, he was the fastest man on the track. The driver reacts positively.

"In Practice 1 with the balance we had I would say we had quite a lot of work to do but we reacted and it felt quite okay, but there is more to come. It feels like we will be in the fight for pole tomorrow," Bottas told Sky Sports' camera.

The Mercedes driver continued. "It didn't look or feel too bad compared to the others. I don't think its a bad start for us today. Lately, we have been making improvements when it's hot."

Very hot at the Hungaroring

According to Bottas, it is very hot in the cockpit though. "Honestly, it feels like being in a Finnish sauna. When you stop you get the heat soak and it feels like more than 60 degrees. Out on track at least you get a little bit more air, but it's a bit more tricky with the tyres overheating.Tomorrow will show whether Bottas is actually the fastest man on track during qualifying.