
Haas wants American driver in F1: 'We need to plan for the future'

13 June at 10:21
Last update 13 June at 11:07

Since the announcement of a second American Grand Prix in Miami it has become clear that the FOM wants to gain popularity in the United States. An American driver would be a great help, but F1 teams have the problem that there are no suitable drivers on the market.

American Haas seems to be the main candidate to put an American driver in one of the cars and Guenther Steiner also confirms that they have that as a goal. "Definitely. We are continuously looking and also talking about it with Stefano (Domenicali, F1 CEO). We are looking at what can be done and trying to make a plan for the future," Steiner explained in conversation with

Possibilities are limited

Steiner does stress that it's not going to happen in the next few years to put an American driver in an F1 seat. "I think something has to happen. Not immediately, because in the short term, you can't really arrange something because of the super license". Formula 3 now has a number of American drivers, but are not yet close to getting their super license.

"F1 would like an American driver and so would we, but at the moment we can't do more than look at our options. Then a driver also has to get his super license, which not many drivers have at the moment," Steiner concluded.