Sebastian Vettel hints at Formula 1 exit: "I won't stay at all costs"

F1 News

30 March at 14:10
Last update 30 March at 14:55

Under Liberty Media, Formula 1 is becoming more of a show. Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel doesn't like this and hints he will leave the sport in 2021.

“I'm sure I want to ride this season and next year. After that I don't know, because the regulations are not yet clear," Vettel told the Times. The four-time world champion is contracted until the end of the 2020 season as he holds back for the regulation overhaul set to hit Formula 1 in 2021.

“Nobody knows yet and I will certainly not be someone who says: 'I want to stay in Formula 1 at all costs'. A lot of the things that were previously important in sport have been pushed more to the background in recent years. Formula 1 has also become more of a show than a sport. Of course, you can say that this is also the case with other sports, but I have the idea that we put a lot of time and energy into regulations that are not needed for anything. It costs a lot, but you don't have anything left."

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"There must come a time when we say, 'that's how it will be.' If that's a show, then it's a show. In other sports, I don't think that the change from a sport to a show has just as many consequences for the impact of the athlete himself. In Formula 1 you can clearly see that the athlete is starting to play a smaller role."