Russell and Kubica have "big problems" with Williams car behaviour

F1 News

18 April at 14:52
  • Nicolás Quarles van Ufford

Williams rookie George Russell has admitted his car is having "big problems" with how the FW42 behaves, particularly at corner entry, as both him and Robert Kubica haven't been able to beat any other team in either a race or in qualifying.

The Grove-based team have suffered another setback after last season's struggles, failing to get a competitive package again this season. 

Consistency in the behaviour of the FW42 is a big issue, Russell explained.

“Right now, Robert and I are having big problems with how the car behaves at the corner entry and in the middle of the curve compared to the exit,” the reigning Formula 2 champion told Motorsport-Total.

“It’s very different in every area, which makes driving so difficult.

“It’s mostly aero [the issue], but also a bit mechanical, I’d say 75 to 25.”

Russell revealed Williams will be introducing upgrades, but it won't be like the team will have a magical solution to their problems.

"There will be upgrades, just like any team,” he said.

"[But] it’s not like we have something special”.