F1 News

Haas give Magnussen green light for Rolex 24hr

31 January at 08:35

Kevin Magnussen has been given the go-ahead by Haas to race alongside his father at the Daytona 24 hour in the future.  

Haas have supported the Magnussen dream of a father and son duo racing together. 

Kevin's father and former Formula 1 racer, Jan Magnussen believes that racing in the Rolex 24hr would be a good thing. 

"I think it's a good idea. Kevin thinks it's a good idea, and Corvette thinks it's a good idea if we can work out the logistics," he said to BT newspaper.

Team boss Gunther Steiner also thinks that the idea is a good one.

"Kevin should be allowed to drive Daytona with his father," he said. "I would never stop a driver from racing a race. I don't know when it can be done, but it seems like Jan still has some good years in him as a racing driver."

Former Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso won the Daytona 24hr last weekend. We will have to wait and see if the Magnussen's have the same success.